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Deutsch als Wissenschaftssprache, where are you? Einige Bemerkungen zu den Artikelüberschriften in der deutschen Onlinepresse
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Deutsch als Wissenschaftssprache, where are you? Einige Bemerkungen zu den Artikelüberschriften in der deutschen Onlinepresse

Glottodidactica (Poznań), 2014-01, Vol.41 (2), p.87 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

2014. This work is published under (the “License”). Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this content in accordance with the terms of the License. ;ISSN: 0072-4769 ;DOI: 10.14746/gl.2014.41.2.6

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Plural Englishes and English as Language Resource
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Plural Englishes and English as Language Resource

TESL-EJ (Berkeley, Calif.), 2022-11, Vol.26 (3), p.1 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

Copyright University of California, Publications Office Nov 2022 ;ISSN: 1072-4303 ;EISSN: 1072-4303 ;DOI: 10.55593/ej.26103a27

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Focus on the Speaker-Learner in English as a Global Language: Agency and Satisfaction
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Focus on the Speaker-Learner in English as a Global Language: Agency and Satisfaction

TESL-EJ (Berkeley, Calif.), 2022-11, Vol.26 (3), p.1 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

Copyright University of California, Publications Office Nov 2022 ;ISSN: 1072-4303 ;EISSN: 1072-4303 ;DOI: 10.55593/ej.26103a2

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English Teachers’ Conceptions of EIL, the Associated Principles and Corresponding Instructional Practices: A Theory of Planned Behavior Analysis
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English Teachers’ Conceptions of EIL, the Associated Principles and Corresponding Instructional Practices: A Theory of Planned Behavior Analysis

TESL-EJ (Berkeley, Calif.), 2023-08, Vol.27 (2), p.1 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

Copyright University of California, Publications Office Aug 2023 ;ISSN: 1072-4303 ;EISSN: 1072-4303 ;DOI: 10.55593/ej.27106s8

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English and other languages in a plurilingual pedagogical approach: A case study from northern Italy
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English and other languages in a plurilingual pedagogical approach: A case study from northern Italy

Glottodidactica (Poznań), 2023-07, Vol.50 (1), p.119-140 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

2023. This work is published under (the “License”). Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this content in accordance with the terms of the License. ;ISSN: 0072-4769 ;EISSN: 2956-3658 ;DOI: 10.14746/gl.2023.50.1.7

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Comparing written Indian Englishes with the new Corpus of Regional Indian Newspaper Englishes (CORINNE)
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Comparing written Indian Englishes with the new Corpus of Regional Indian Newspaper Englishes (CORINNE)

ICAME journal, 2021-05, Vol.45 (1), p.179-205 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

Copyright University of Bergen May 2021 ;ISSN: 1502-5462 ;ISSN: 0801-5775 ;EISSN: 1502-5462 ;DOI: 10.2478/icame-2021-0006

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Unpacking Novice English Language Teachers’ Cognitions about Global Englishes Pedagogy: An Activity-Theoretic Analysis
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Unpacking Novice English Language Teachers’ Cognitions about Global Englishes Pedagogy: An Activity-Theoretic Analysis

TESL-EJ (Berkeley, Calif.), 2023-08, Vol.27 (2), p.1 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

Copyright University of California, Publications Office Aug 2023 ;ISSN: 1072-4303 ;EISSN: 1072-4303 ;DOI: 10.55593/ej.27106s9

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Betydelsen av svenska, engelska och andra språk för hantverkare som reser till Sverige för att arbeta: En nexusanalys av språk och arbete på den flerspråkiga byggarbetsplatsen
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Betydelsen av svenska, engelska och andra språk för hantverkare som reser till Sverige för att arbeta: En nexusanalys av språk och arbete på den flerspråkiga byggarbetsplatsen

Språk och stil (Uppsala, Sweden : 1991), 2022, Vol.32, p.38 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

Copyright Swedish Science Press 2022 ;ISSN: 1101-1165 ;ISSN: 2002-4010 ;DOI: 10.33063/diva-492983

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Authenticity and awareness of English as a lingua franca in English language classrooms
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Authenticity and awareness of English as a lingua franca in English language classrooms

Glottodidactica (Poznań), 2021-07, Vol.48 (1), p.103-122 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

2021. This work is published under (the “License”). Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this content in accordance with the terms of the License. ;ISSN: 0072-4769 ;DOI: 10.14746/gl.2021.48.1.06

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Accent Difference Makes No Difference to Phoneme Acquisition
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Accent Difference Makes No Difference to Phoneme Acquisition

TESL-EJ (Berkeley, Calif.), 2022-11, Vol.26 (3), p.1 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

Copyright University of California, Publications Office Nov 2022 ;ISSN: 1072-4303 ;EISSN: 1072-4303 ;DOI: 10.55593/ej.26103a3

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