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Giới hạn tìm kiếm: Giới hạn tìm kiếm: Dạng tài nguyên Hiển thị kết quả với: Hiển thị kết quả với: Dạng tìm kiếm Chỉ mục

The sustainable development of Asian students’ project-based learning: Implementing a holistic and indigenous Whare Tapa Rima Model

Frontiers in psychology, 2022-09, Vol.13, p.938931-938931 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

Copyright © 2022 Zhang and Tian. 2022 Zhang and Tian ;ISSN: 1664-1078 ;EISSN: 1664-1078 ;DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.938931

Tài liệu số/Tài liệu điện tử

Trích dẫn Trích dẫn bởi
  • Nhan đề:
    The sustainable development of Asian students’ project-based learning: Implementing a holistic and indigenous Whare Tapa Rima Model
  • Tác giả: Zhang, Xiudi ; Tian, Xiaoming
  • Chủ đề: Asian students ; New Zealand ; private training establishment ; project-based learning ; Psychology ; sustainable development
  • Là 1 phần của: Frontiers in psychology, 2022-09, Vol.13, p.938931-938931
  • Mô tả: This study employs a holistic and indigenous theoretical model called Whare Tapa Rima to examine the project-based learning (PBL) experiences of Asian students in a private training establishment, the W institution, at the tertiary level in New Zealand. The analysis shows that Asian students face challenges in their PBL journey in physical, cultural, interconnected emotional and intellectual, social, and spiritual dimensions. Implications from the research analysis may be considered about how to provide better support and international services to Asian students involved in PBL programs worldwide by adopting the responsive, theory-informed framework of the Whare Tapa Rima Model.
  • Nơi xuất bản: Frontiers Media S.A
  • Ngôn ngữ: English
  • Số nhận dạng: ISSN: 1664-1078
    EISSN: 1664-1078
    DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.938931
  • Nguồn: Freely Accessible Journals
    PubMed Central
    ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
    DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals

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