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Giới hạn tìm kiếm: Giới hạn tìm kiếm: Dạng tài nguyên Hiển thị kết quả với: Hiển thị kết quả với: Dạng tìm kiếm Chỉ mục

Ingenjörsvetenskapens tidevarv: Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademin, Pappersmassekontoret, Metallografiska institutet och den teknologiska forskningen i början av 1900-talet

digitalisering@umu, 1981

ISBN: 9171740929 ;ISBN: 9789171740922

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  • Nhan đề:
    Ingenjörsvetenskapens tidevarv: Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademin, Pappersmassekontoret, Metallografiska institutet och den teknologiska forskningen i början av 1900-talet
  • Tác giả: Sundin, Bosse
  • Chủ đề: 20th century Sweden ; Engineering ; History of technology ; Metalography ; Research associations ; Science and industry ; Wood-pulp research
  • Là 1 phần của: digitalisering@umu, 1981
  • Mô tả: The period around the end of the First World War saw the organization of tech­nological research in Sweden. It was at this time that work began at the Wood Pulp Research Association, at the Swedish Institute for Metals Research and at the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. The latter organization had as its basic aim the promotion of technical and scientific research and thereby the support of Swedish industry and the utilization of natural resources. The disser­tation is concerned with the background of these institutions. The indirect cause of the founding of the Academy was a parliamentary motion in 1916 which resulted in an enquiry into an institute responsible for energy and fuel matters. The enquiry led to the conclusion that there existed a need for a central institution for technological research as a whole. Other issues which played a part in the sequence of events that led to the founding of the Academy, were the demand from industry for a modernization of Swedish government administration and the conflict that existed between scientifically- oriented engineers with roots in civil service traditions and the »modern» engine­ers who emphasized the role of the engineer as an industrial manager trained in economics etc. The Academy came into being with the aim of bridging this conflict and of establishing a state agency corresponding to the older Swedish Academy of Agriculture. The Wood Pulp Research Association was founded by the pulp industry, which originally had not been based on any systematic research or development work. After the turn of the century, interest in the chemistry of wood and other related substances began to increase. All early research efforts had one aim in common: the utilization of waste material from the forestry industry. The Asso­ciation was established at the end of 1917 and was jointly owned by a majority of the larger pulp companies. Due to an economic crisis in the pulp industry, the organization was abolished in 1922. The Swedish Institute for Metals Research was originally a metalographic research laboratory established as a result of cooperation between State and industry. The Institute was engaged primarily in basic research, dominated by work based on advanced X-ray spectroscopy.
  • Ngôn ngữ: Swedish
  • Số nhận dạng: ISBN: 9171740929
    ISBN: 9789171740922
  • Nguồn: SWEPUB Freely available online

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