Buddhists in Vietnam's Contemporary Politics
TON DUC THANG University

Buddhists in Vietnam's Contemporary Politics

  • Author: Hoang, Hao Xuan
  • Subjects: Political science ; Religion ; Religious history
  • Description: The Role of the Vietnamese Buddhists in Contemporary Vietnam Politics is presented factually and analytically here in the light of political science methodology, with the aim toward generalized prediction on the future relationship between religion and politics. The dissertation consists of three parts: Part 1 examines the assets constituting the political power of the Buddhists. such as the social legitimacy and the internal structural strength of South Vietnam's Unified Buddhist Church. Part 2 discusses the political participation and activities of the Buddhists. The findings obtained from the factual analyses in those two parts are: a) there is a direct casual relationship between the South Vietnam Buddhists' relative political strength and their political engagement. b) The Buddhist leaders aspirations and proposed solutions for them were more or less political in nature. c) The strategy of their movement inside South Vietnam put them on the world political map and among the world Buddhist organizations. d) The Buddhists in Vietnam, Ceylon and Burma had similarities. e) Nationalism was used by the Buddhists and the political leaders as political weapons in Asia. f) Since the Buddhist events in 1963, the foreign actors have continued their intervention. g) Therefore, some Buddhist priests with intense political sense have emphasized that the Buddhists can only have important role in a non-aligned country which is completely independent from interference by big powers. Part 3 on prescriptive proposals for the Vietnamese Buddhists consists of delineation of the clear role of the Buddhists in the nation and in relation with other religions, and the role of the state in religious affairs — which should be based on modern progressive concepts, and adaptable to the realities of the situation in Vietnam, and consequently should be easily accepted by all political actors in the national life. In essence, that is the solution of separation of church and state, each with its separate sphere of influence and balance of power between the religious leaders and secular leaders, a solution that is originating from a humane social movement in the nation and satisfying the deeply held aspiration of the Buddhists on freedom of religion and at the same time consolidating political stability.
  • Publisher: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
  • Creation Date: 1972
  • Language: English
  • Identifier: ISBN: 9780438847200
    ISBN: 0438847202
  • Source: ProQuest Central