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Italiano LinguaDue, 2023-12 [Peer Reviewed Journal]

Attribution - NonCommercial ;ISSN: 2037-3597 ;EISSN: 2037-3597

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  • Title:
  • Author: Gaye, Cheikh Tidiane
  • Subjects: Computer Science ; General Literature ; Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Is Part Of: Italiano LinguaDue, 2023-12
  • Description: The last century in France marked the advent of an African literature of French expression which involved the African continent and its diaspora. The movement, known as Négritude, makes its appearance and involves various protagonists. At the center of the themes developed is the reclamation of the black soul. Intellectuals such as Jean Paul Sartre and André Breton espoused the demands of African intellectuals, contributing to their success. This movement continues to fuel various reflections today in an era characterized by a strong identity claim in a Europe populated by multiple cultures and always exposed to the phenomenon of immigration.In the nineties, with the nascent literature in Italy, known as migrant literature of Italian expression, a strong claim to belonging was highlighted. The identity claim is a central theme of some authors in the fight against racism, discrimination and the anti-immigration policies of some right-wing parties.My work intends to explore four points in particular: the racial question, the use of the lemma "black", the paradigm shift, compared to the Negritude movement, and belonging to the Italian identity, while at the same time affirming one's own black Italianness. Some texts will be examined, in particular:Traiettorie di sguardi - E se gli altri foste voi? by Geneviève Makaping, il mio Prendi quello che vuoi ma lasciami la mia pelle nera by Cheikh Tidiane Gaye e Noi, italiani neri by Pap Khouma, to reflect on the transition from the use of the term "negro" to that of "black", and on the importance of hybridization and multiple identities. Addressing transculturality also means taking into consideration this journey, both in time and space, and highlighting paradigm shifts regarding notions of race and cultural and biological miscegenation. Il secolo scorso in Francia ha sancito l'avvento di una letteratura africana di espressione francese che ha coinvolto il continente africano e la sua diaspora. Il movimento, conosciuto come Négritude, fa la sua apparizione e coinvolge vari protagonisti. Al centro dei temi sviluppati, vi è la rivendicazione dell'Anima nera. Intellettuali come Jean Paul Sartre e André Breton sposeranno le rivendicazioni degli intellettuali africani, contribuendo al loro successo. Tale movimento continua ancora oggi ad alimentare varie riflessioni in un'epoca caratterizzata da una forte rivendicazione identitaria in un'Europa popolata da più culture e sempre esposta al fenomeno dell'immigrazione. Negli anni Novanta, con la letteratura nascente in Italia, detta migrante di espressione italiana, si evidenzia una forte rivendicazione di appartenenza. La rivendicazione identitaria è un tema centrale di alcuni autori per la lotta contro il razzismo, la discriminazione e le politiche antiimmigrazione di alcuni partiti di destra.
  • Language: Italian
  • Identifier: ISSN: 2037-3597
    EISSN: 2037-3597
  • Source: HAL SHS: Archive ouverte en Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société (Open Access)
    Hyper Article en Ligne (HAL) (Open Access)
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