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A Comparative Study to Reveal Earnings Management in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Tunisia and Iraq

International Journal of Professional Business Review, 2022, Vol.7 (5), p.e0815 [Peer Reviewed Journal]

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  • Title:
    A Comparative Study to Reveal Earnings Management in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Tunisia and Iraq
  • Author: Flayyih, Hakeem Hammood ; Khiari, Wided
  • Subjects: Earnings Management ; Emerging Markets ; ISE
  • Is Part Of: International Journal of Professional Business Review, 2022, Vol.7 (5), p.e0815
  • Description: Purpose: The purpose of the study is to compare and evaluate Earnings Management in Tunisia and Iraq.   Theoretical framework: Earnings Management is an important topic that has been studied by a significant number of researchers, as well as those who are interested in the accounting profession. Earnings Management has gotten a lot of attention from academics, professionals, and other interested parties in recent years (e.g. Kliestik et al., 2020; Rahman et al., 2021; Gamra &Ellouze, 2021)   Design/methodology/approach: The sample includes ten banks listed on the Bourse of Tunisia and Iraq Stock Exchanges for the year 2017. We have used a model of Kothari et al., (2005) as a tool to measure Earnings Management in both markets.   Findings: The result of the study indicates that companies listed in the two markets exercise Earnings Management. Practices for managing earnings are used to either enhance, decrease, or balance out earnings.   Research, Practical & Social implications: the approaches to Earnings Management take considerably different directions.  As a result, the trend in Tunisia was among of profit growth. in contrast, the companies listed in (ISE) engage in Earnings Management with the intent of cutting profits. The evident indecait that taxation on businesses, political pressure from governments, and other factors may all be contributing factors to rising or falling earnings management practies.   Originality/value: the fact, our current study is the first to compare earnings management in companies operate in both the markets of Tunisia and Iraq.
  • Language: English
  • Identifier: ISSN: 2525-3654
    EISSN: 2525-3654
    DOI: 10.26668/businessreview/2022.v7i5.815
  • Source: ProQuest Central

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