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Odnos javnosti prema profesiji odgojitelja info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

Digital Resources/Online E-Resources

Citations Cited by
  • Title:
    Odnos javnosti prema profesiji odgojitelja
  • Author: Kisić, Izabela
  • Subjects: DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI ; Pedagogija ; Pedagogija ranog i predškolskog odgoja
  • Description: Biti odgojitelj nije samo posao. To je profesija koja zahtjeva sustavno i kontinuirano educiranje i usavršavanje u radu. Nakon roditelja, odgojitelji su prvi koji djetetu pružaju utjehu, zabavu i odgoj, pri čemu ih educiraju i u velikoj mjeri doprinose njihovom ranom obrazovanju. Odgojitelji nisu tete ili stričeki kako ih se od milja zove, oni su profesionalci višeg ili visokog stupnja obrazovanja koji su jednako kao liječnici, ekonomisti, inženjeri, pravnici, arhitekti i ostali stručnjaci studirali, položili državni stručni ispit i samim time se kvalificirali za rad s djecom. Odnos javnosti prema profesiji odgojitelja u korelaciji s razinom poštovanja same profesije upitna je. Kroz teorijski dio rada prikazano je istraživanje literature iz područja odnosa s javnošću i odgojiteljske profesije. Objašnjeni su osnovni pojmovi potrebni za razumijevanje istraživanja kao što su odnosi, javnost i profesija te je napravljen pregled povijesnog razvoja sustava obrazovanja odgojitelja. U svrhu pisanja rada, provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem ispitivanja mišljenja javnosti o poštivanju odgojiteljske profesije te postoje li predrasude vezane uz oslovljavanje odgojitelja. Istraživanje je provedeno na dvije skupine ispitanika, prvu skupinu čine oni koji su budući i sadašnji radnici odgojno – obrazovnog sustava, a drugu skupinu čine oni koji to nisu. Ispitivanje je provedeno anonimnim online upitnikom. Being a preschool education teacher is not just about work. It is a profession that requires systematic and continuous education and improvement in work. After parents, educators are the first to provide comfort, fun and upbringing to the child, educating them and contributing greatly to their early education. Educators are not aunts or uncles as they are affectionately called, they are professionals of higher level of education who, as much as doctors, economists, engineers, lawyers, architects, and other experts studied, passed the state professional exam, and therefore qualified to work with children. The public's attitude towards the profession of educator correlates with the level of respect for the profession itself is questionable. Through the theoretical part of the paper, the research of literature in the field of public relations and the educational profession is presented. The basic concepts needed to understand research such as relationships, the public and the profession are explained and an overview of the historical development of the educator education system has been made. For the purpose of writing the paper, a study was carried out with the aim of examining public opinions about respect for the educational profession and whether there are prejudices related to the salutation of educators. The survey was conducted on two groups of respondents, the first group consists of those who are future and current workers of the educational system, and the second group consists of those who are not. The examination was conducted with an anonymous online questionnaire.
  • Publisher: Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Učiteljski fakultet
  • Creation Date: 2022
  • Language: Croatian
  • Source: DABAR Digital Academic Archives and Repositories

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