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Osobno očuvanje kvalitete života, zdravlja i radne sposobnosti medicinskih sestara

Sigurnost, 2019-10, Vol.61 (3), p.187-206

Copyright Institute of Safety and Research Development (Zavod Za Instrazivanje i Razvoj Sigurnosti) 2019 ;ISSN: 0350-6886 ;EISSN: 1848-6347 ;DOI: 10.31306/s.61.3.6 ;CODEN: SIGUAE

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  • Title:
    Osobno očuvanje kvalitete života, zdravlja i radne sposobnosti medicinskih sestara
  • Author: Hrastinski, Karmela
  • Subjects: Cardiovascular disease ; Cooperation ; Correlation analysis ; Correlation coefficient ; Correlation coefficients ; kvaliteta života ; medicinska sestra/tehničar ; Midwifery ; nurse/technician ; Nurses ; osobno zdravlje ; personal health ; Promotion ; Public health ; Quality of life ; Questionnaires ; radna sposobnost ; Statistical analysis ; Statistical tests ; Stress ; Technicians ; Windows (computer programs) ; Work capacity ; Workload
  • Is Part Of: Sigurnost, 2019-10, Vol.61 (3), p.187-206
  • Description: SAŽETAK: Cilj rada je ispitati koji su najizrazitiji stresori u svakodnevnom radu medicinskih sestara/tehničara, kako djeluju na njihovo zdravlje, radnu sposobnost i kvalitetu života. Utvrđeno je postoji li razlika u rezultatima ispitivanja između zaposlenika dviju bolnica s obzirom na različitu problematiku kojom se bave. Na temelju rezultata predložene su mjere poboljšanja suočavanja sa stresom i mjere koje će pridonijeti očuvanju kvalitete života, osobnog zdravlja i radne sposobnosti. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 93 medicinskih sestara/tehničara zaposlenih u Specijalnoj bolnici (SB); (N= 38) i na Klinici (K); (N= 55). Dragovoljno i anonimno ispitivanje provedeno je Upitnikom za procjenu utjecaja rada na zdravlje i radnu sposobnost. Podaci su uneseni u bazu podataka (Microsoft Excel for Windows), te je provedena deskriptivna statistička obrada. Razlike u kategorijskim varijablama analizirane su hi-kvadrat testom. P vrijednosti < 0,05 smatrane su značajnima. U analizi je korištena STATISTICA verzija 10.0 ( i provedena je korelacija WAI s odgovorima ispitanika iz Upitnika, pri čemu je korišten Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije. Istraživanje je odobrilo Etičko povjerenstvo Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Između ispitivanih bolnica nema razlika u ispitivanoj skupini čimbenika koji se odnose na izazov, napredovanja i uključenost u rad organizacije (p> 0,05); natpolovična većina ih je nezadovoljna (52 %, odnosno 63 %). Svaki drugi ispitanik želio bi ponekad prekinuti sa svojim poslom (55 %, odnosno 58 %), petina ispitanika posao smatra obvezom i sve više odbojnim, te 62 % nema mogućnost napredovanja. Najbolje ocijenjen segment je suradnja s kolegama. U području kvalitete života i uravnoteženosti zamijećen je veliki broj djelomično zadovoljnih i nezadovoljnih trenutnom kvalitetom života (48 %). Niže vrijednosti WAI imaju snažnu povezanost s onima koji su nezadovoljni situacijom na poslu, kvalitetom života, lošijim svladavanjem zahtjeva na poslu, koji se osjećaju nezdravo i koji su izloženi većim zdravstvenim opterećenjima. Iako se radi o relativno malom uzorku ispitanika (N=38, odnosno N=55), dobivene rezultate treba promatrati kao pokazatelje izvora organizacijskih čimbenika stresa i kao takvih uporišta na kojima se mogu planirati interventne mjere. Predložene su mjere poboljšanja u suočavanju sa stresom, te mjere koje će pridonijeti očuvanju kvalitete života i radne sposobnosti. Interventne mjere trebalo bi temeljiti na dragocjenom čimbeniku izvrsne suradnje s kolegama na poslu koju navode ispitanici. SUMMARY: The objective of the study was to identify the most prevalent stressors in the everyday workload of nurses and medical technicians that impact their health, work capacity and quality of life. Differences were found regarding the results obtained in two different hospitals explainable by the type of work that participants do in their daily routine activities. Measures are suggested to improve coping with stress and those that will contribute to a better quality of life, personal health and work capacity. The study was conducted on a sample of 93 nurses/technicians employed at a special hospital (SH), (N=38), and a clinic (C), (N=55). The participation in the study was voluntary and anonymous and used the Questionnaire for the Assessment of the Impact of Work on Health and Work Capacity. The obtained data was fed into a data base (Microsoft Excel the Windows) with a descriptive statistical analysis following. The differences in category variables were analysed using the chi-square test. P values < 0.05 were regarded as significant. The analysis relied on STATISTICA version 10.0 ( and WAI correlation was investigated with the responses from the Questionnaire using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb. No differences were found in the two facilities with respect to factors such as challenge, promotion and involvement in the work of the organisation (p>0.05). More than a half (52% and 63% respectively) was dissatisfied. Over one half of the subjects (55% and 58%) wished to sometimes stop with their work, and a fifth found work a mere obligation and increasingly repulsive. 62% complained of no chance for promotion. The best element of the work for most subjects was the collaboration with other colleagues. As for the quality of life, a great majority found it partly satisfying or unsatisfying (48%). The lower WAI values were found to be in strong correlation to dissatisfaction with work, and with the quality of life, poorer performance at work, poorer health and health overload. Despite the relatively small study sample (N=38 and N=55), the results should be interpreted as indicators of the sources of stress that are directly related to the organisational factors and should serve as the base in planning improvement measures. Measures are proposed to cope better with stress, preserve the quality of life and work capacity. Intervention measures should take into account the precious factor of excellent collaboration with colleagues at work.
  • Publisher: Zagreb: Institute of Safety and Research Development (Zavod Za Instrazivanje i Razvoj Sigurnosti)
  • Language: English;Croatian
  • Identifier: ISSN: 0350-6886
    EISSN: 1848-6347
    DOI: 10.31306/s.61.3.6
  • Source: ProQuest Central

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