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Prevalencia y abundancia relativa de balanos Xenobalanus globicipitis presentes en poblaciones de delfín nariz de botella Tursiops truncatus en el Golfo de México Sur

Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 2020-12, Vol.55 (2), p.172-176 [Peer Reviewed Journal]

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Citations Cited by
  • Title:
    Prevalencia y abundancia relativa de balanos Xenobalanus globicipitis presentes en poblaciones de delfín nariz de botella Tursiops truncatus en el Golfo de México Sur
  • Author: Naval Avila, Celina ; Basáñez Muñoz, Agustín de Jesús ; Gómez Hernández, Imelda ; Becerril Gómez, Cecilia ; Serrano, Arturo
  • Subjects: Abundance ; ecological relationship ; environmental factors ; prevalence
  • Is Part Of: Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, 2020-12, Vol.55 (2), p.172-176
  • Description: Xenobalanus globicipitis is a commensal barnacle located on cetacean fin edges. The commensal-host interaction between Xenobalanus globicipitis and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) has been poorly studied in Mexico. The main objective was to estimate the relative barnacle prevalence and abundance in bottlenose dolphins in three areas and seasons of the Gulf of Mexico. Tamiahua zone showed the higher prevalence (42.4%) and relative abundance (0.60 barnacles/individual/hr-1) compared to Tuxpan and Nautla zones. Whereas, in dry season there were higher prevalence (55.6%) and relative abundance (0.53 barnacles/individual/hr-1) than rainy and winter storm seasons. Therefore, zones and seasons of the Gulf of Mexico influence the barnacle-dolphin interactions.
  • Language: Spanish
  • Identifier: ISSN: 0717-3326
    DOI: 10.22370/rbmo.2020.55.2.2503
  • Source: Dialnet

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