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Asymptomatic Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: Insights from Population-Based Studies

대한뇌졸중학회지, 2019, 21(2), 14, pp.121-138 [Tạp chí có phản biện]

COPYRIGHT(C) KYOBO BOOK CENTRE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ;Copyright © 2019 Korean Stroke Society 2019 ;ISSN: 2287-6391 ;ISSN: 1229-4101 ;EISSN: 2287-6405 ;DOI: 10.5853/jos.2018.03608 ;PMID: 30991799

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  • Nhan đề:
    Asymptomatic Cerebral Small Vessel Disease: Insights from Population-Based Studies
  • Tác giả: Das, Alvin S ; Regenhardt, Robert W ; Vernooij, Meike W ; Blacker, Deborah ; Charidimou, Andreas ; Viswanathan, Anand
  • Chủ đề: cerebral small vessel diseases ; epidemiology ; leukoaraiosis ; Review ; stroke, lacunar ; 신경과학
  • Là 1 phần của: 대한뇌졸중학회지, 2019, 21(2), 14, pp.121-138
  • Mô tả: Cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) is a common group of neurological conditions that confer a significant burden of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In most cases, CSVD is only recognized in its advanced stages once its symptomatic sequelae develop. However, its significance in asymptomatic healthy populations remains poorly defined. In population-based studies of presumed healthy elderly individuals, CSVD neuroimaging markers including white matter hyperintensities, lacunes, cerebral microbleeds, enlarged perivascular spaces, cortical superficial siderosis, and cerebral microinfarcts are frequently detected. While the presence of these imaging markers may reflect unique mechanisms at play, there are likely shared pathways underlying CSVD. Herein, we aim to assess the etiology and significance of these individual biomarkers by focusing in asymptomatic populations at an epidemiological level. By primarily examining population-based studies, we explore the risk factors that are involved in the formation and progression of these biomarkers. Through a critical semi-systematic review, we aim to characterize "asymptomatic" CSVD, review screening modalities, and draw associations from observational studies in clinical populations. Lastly, we highlight areas of research (including therapeutic approaches) in which further investigation is needed to better understand asymptomatic CSVD.
  • Nơi xuất bản: Korea (South): 대한뇌졸중학회
  • Ngôn ngữ: Korean;English
  • Số nhận dạng: ISSN: 2287-6391
    ISSN: 1229-4101
    EISSN: 2287-6405
    DOI: 10.5853/jos.2018.03608
    PMID: 30991799
  • Nguồn: KoreaMed Synapse
    PubMed Central
    KoreaMed Open Access
    DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals

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