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Fibre morphological variations of some nigerian guinea savannah wood species

Maderas, 2019-04, Vol.21 (2), p.239-248 [Peer Reviewed Journal]

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Citations Cited by
  • Title:
    Fibre morphological variations of some nigerian guinea savannah wood species
  • Author: Kafilat Adejoke, Abdkareem ; Aderinsola Sadiku, Nusirat
  • Subjects: Derived values ; fibre dimensions ; hardwood ; pulp and paper making ; Runkel Ratio
  • Is Part Of: Maderas, 2019-04, Vol.21 (2), p.239-248
  • Description: Fibre morphology of some Nigerian tropical timber species were evaluated to determine their potentials as suitable source of raw material for pulp and paper making. The fibre dimension of the species showed that Syzygium guineense had the longest fibre length (2.0 mm) followed by Anogeissus leiocarpa (1.75 mm) while Albizia zygia had the shortest fibre length of 1.05 mm. Irvingia gabonensis had the largest fibre diameter while Vernonia colorata had the smallest. Vitellaria paradoxa had the widest lumen of 8.87µm while  Irvingia gabonensis had the smallest lumen and thickest  (6.87µm) cell wall while Vernonia colorata had the thinnest (4.40µm). Albizia zygia had the most slender fibres while Vitellaria paradoxa had the most rigid fibres. All the species had narrow fibre lumens and the cell walls were thick, which may have given poor results to the pulp made from them. The results of the ANOVA showed that there was high significant variation in all the fibre dimensions and the derived values of the species. DMR test showed that no statistical difference existed in the fibre length of Isoberlina doka, Khaya ivorensis and Albizia zygia. However, Vernonia colorata, Irvingia gabonensis and Vitellaria paradoxa had similar fibre length as well as Afzelia africana and Lannea welwitchii. All the species passed the Runkel Ratio < 1 acceptable values for paper making fibre except Vitellaria paradoxa and Anogeissus leiocarpa with RR value of 1.38 and 1.03. Syzygium guineense and  Irvingia gabonensis passed FC > 0.55 for an acceptable value for paper making. All the fibres were elastic except Vitellaria paradoxa and Anogeissus leiocarpa.
  • Publisher: Universidad del Bío-Bío
  • Language: English
  • Identifier: ISSN: 0717-3644
    EISSN: 0718-221X
  • Source: ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
    DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals

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