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Giới hạn tìm kiếm: Giới hạn tìm kiếm: Dạng tài nguyên Hiển thị kết quả với: Hiển thị kết quả với: Dạng tìm kiếm Chỉ mục

국내산과 태국산 닥섬유 및 목재펄프가 혼합된 줌치한지의 감물염색에 따른 강도 특성

한국의류학회지, 2021, 45(6), , pp.1035-1051

ISSN: 1225-1151 ;EISSN: 2234-0793 ;DOI: 10.5850/JKSCT.2021.45.6.1035

Tài liệu số/Tài liệu điện tử

  • Nhan đề:
    국내산과 태국산 닥섬유 및 목재펄프가 혼합된 줌치한지의 감물염색에 따른 강도 특성
  • Tác giả: 홍희숙 ; Heesook Hong ; 김기억 ; Gi-eok Kim ; 고정녀 ; Jungnye Koh
  • Chủ đề: Jumchi-Hanji ; Persimmon juice dyeing ; Thai mulberry ; Wood pulp ; 감물염색 ; 목재펄프 ; 생활과학 ; 종이 ; 줌치한지 ; 태국산 닥나무
  • Là 1 phần của: 한국의류학회지, 2021, 45(6), , pp.1035-1051
  • Mô tả: This study compares the strength properties of Jumchi-Hanjis dyed with 70% and 100% persimmon juice concentrations and undyed Jumchi-Hanjis. The Juumchi-Hanjis were made from Dakjis (mulberry papers), which were mixed with different ratios of fibers from paper mulberries originating in Korea and Thailand, including wood pulp from Canada. Research results showed that tensile, wet tensile, and bursting strengths of Jumchi-Hanjis dyed with 70% concentration were higher than those of undyed Jumchi-Hanjis. However, the tearing strengths of the dyed Jumchi-Hanjis were lower than those of undyed Jumchi-Hanjis. The wet tensile strengths of Jumchi-Hanjis dyed with 100% concentration were higher than those of dyed with 70% concentration. The increase and decrease of tensile, tearing, and bursting strengths depending on persimmon juice dyeing differed as per the mixing ratio of the raw materials of Jumchi-Hanjis. Dyeing with 100% persimmon juice concentration tends to be more useful than 70% to increase the tensile (MD) and wet tensile strengths of Jumchi-Hanjis containing only Korean mulberry fibers (90%) and wood pulp (10%) as raw materials. Dyeing with 100% concentration tends to be less useful than 70% to increase the tensile, tearing and bursting strengths of Jumchi-Hanjis with high proportions (90% or 60%) of mulberry fibers from Thailand.
  • Nơi xuất bản: 한국의류학회
  • Ngôn ngữ: Korean;English
  • Số nhận dạng: ISSN: 1225-1151
    EISSN: 2234-0793
    DOI: 10.5850/JKSCT.2021.45.6.1035
  • Nguồn: Freely Accessible Arts & Humanities Journals

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