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Factors Affecting Teachers Quality in Higher Vocational Colleges in Maoming City, China

International Journal of Professional Business Review, 2023-08, Vol.8 (8), p.e02994 [Peer Reviewed Journal]

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  • Title:
    Factors Affecting Teachers Quality in Higher Vocational Colleges in Maoming City, China
  • Author: Qingyan, Guo ; Azar, Ali Sorayyaei ; Ahmad, Albattat
  • Subjects: Classroom Management ; Students’ Performance ; Teacher Qualification ; Teacher Quality
  • Is Part Of: International Journal of Professional Business Review, 2023-08, Vol.8 (8), p.e02994
  • Description: Purpose: For learning environments like schools and colleges, predicting students' success is one of the most important issues since it aids in the creation of practical systems that, among other things, promote academic achievement and prevent dropout.   Theoretical framework: A rigorous analysis and processing of this data might provide us with knowledge about the students' knowledge and how it relates to academic assignments. In this study, classroom management, teacher qualification and in-service training with the effect so mediating variable of teacher quality have been used to measure students’ performance.   Design/methodology/approach: 364 respondents have been participated by using questionnaire are data collection methods and the data are analyses by using SMART-PLS.   Findings: The findings of the study revealed that the classroom management on students’ performance in-service training, and teacher qualification have significant relationship with teacher quality. The strength and the relationships of the variables might be re-examined by future researchers, including adding more variables from strategic, organizational, and environmental dimensions to determine the accuracy of the model.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge in understanding the school quality management as this is the first study with the set of such variables. In other words, this study attempts to increase the understanding of the relationship between school quality management strategies on students’ performance.   Originality/value: Education authorities should encourage all teachers to develop themselves through regular participation in seminars and conferences organized in their field of expertise in order to update their knowledge and acquire relevant teaching skills to help them impart appropriate knowledge to their students. In addition, the education department should provide schools with basic teaching equipment to make the teaching and learning process easier in schools.
  • Language: English
  • Identifier: ISSN: 2525-3654
    EISSN: 2525-3654
    DOI: 10.26668/businessreview/2023.v8i8.2994
  • Source: ProQuest Central

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