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Local councils, love and loathing - a life story

OpenDemocracy (London), 2017-07

Copyright OpenDemocracy Ltd. Jul 5, 2017 ;EISSN: 1476-5888

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  • Title:
    Local councils, love and loathing - a life story
  • Subjects: Bans ; Councils ; Housing ; Prime ministers
  • Is Part Of: OpenDemocracy (London), 2017-07
  • Description: From Kensington council’s disastrous handling of the Grenfell tower tragedy, to the Haringey councillors the Guardian this week dubbed ‘Zombie Blairites’ for exemplifying how right-wing Labour councillors have also jumped on the social cleansing bandwagon, councils are big news for the first time in years. [...]eventually, somewhat reluctantly, out of London altogether, fed up with the options of renting a pokey buy-to-let cladded cliché above a Tesco Express next to thunderous traffic, or keeping a low profile in a peaceful but shabby converted house or ex-council flat, not daring to ask the landlord for much needed repairs for fear he’d put the rent up or remember to sell his half-forgotten ‘investment’. For six years I was a housing officer in Islington and Hackney, and saw first-hand the social tenants who were being driven into stressful rent arrears and in some cases eviction by the utter incompetence of the privatised housing benefit management that both councils had signed up to. At last year’s Labour party conference, even as the left celebrated Corbyn’s re-election, its right wing mobilised a succession of rule changes that not only packed the ruling NEC with right wingers but banned Labour councillors from signing off ‘no cuts budgets’. Both left and right of the Labour party are currently trying to mobilise members to back rule changes that could - on the one hand, democratise internal party structures and make it easier to hold councillors to account and even deselect them if necessary - and on the other...
  • Publisher: London: OpenDemocracy
  • Language: English
  • Identifier: EISSN: 1476-5888
  • Source: ProQuest Central

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